Rise and Shine

The Boss had to make an early trip to the local hardware joint so I travelled in the Co-Pilots seat on the strict instructions that I was not to interfere with the flight controls. As I didn’t have a laptop and there isn’t a flight entertainment system in Suzz (altho maybe you could argue against that with The Boss dri….) there was no real chance to do anything except sniff the air that comes up thru the shift thingie.

Apparently The Boss had some issues as he couldn’t find what he wanted where it used to be and was deeply embarrassed when on asking he found the entire centre of the store was displaying his product and variations of it ‘Cos it was slightly seasonal being winter and all.
AND he had to walk past this display on his way to look.

I have never been let loose in a large hardware joint but I have it on my bucket list and of course that sell those too (buckets).

On the way there was an urgent alteration to the flight plan when this image was spotted (No worries I had my seat belt firmly fastened) and he actually got his camera out and had to walk 10 feet from where he had driven Suzz. Boy things can be really tough being a photographer.

This is the view towards the Northern edge of town (Actually looking North East) into the sun which having finished it’s toast was now having Coffee. 

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