Simply Me

By Suze981

One step forward and two steps back

This isn't a good photo, it's not even in focus. I took it as I was planning a rant about how I seem to spend my life waiting for my satellites to be located. As I was getting my camera out, they found me - hence the full black bar so I took a hurried shot. But it's not the Garmin I want to write about now.

Jacqui (the podiatrist) thought I'd be able to continue running as normal with the new orthotics. As I'd had orthotics before I should be able to just continue.

But these new orthotics are so different to the last. I'm running in such a different way. My poor body can't keep up. Long ago, the first physio I saw said that my ankle/lower calf muscles were underdeveloped. They still are it seems. I managed 3.5 miles today, but it was too far for them and they're sore.

This might take longer than both the podiatrist and I thought. Just as I was finally making progress with distances again. One step forward and two steps back.

I'll get there. I'll win in the end.

Running mileage (15 March - 15 March)
Today's run: 3.5 miles
Total mileage: 71.5 miles

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