Squirrel Attack

I think the neighbourhood cats have taken a dislike to mum's ornamental squirrels! I found them sprawled on the patio as you can see - having been thumped off the wall! I shall have to mount squirrel watch to see how long they survive before meeting with the next disaster!

Ian enjoyed this week's golf lesson which was all about chipping. He is pondering his first purchase of clubs so I think he is getting serious about it! He still has some driving lessons before his course ends so I have suggested he waits until after that before going crazy buying up the golf shop. If anything is likely to do him am injury then that will be it, so it is probably best for him to wait and see if his shoulders fall apart before he kits himself out.

Leo has been obsessed with irregular plurals so I have had to wrack my brain to keep coming up with examples to catch him out. We have had a giggle over sheeps, fishes and tooths but have also celebrated as he knows cacti and axes straight off!

I have watched Wild Orchids tonight, a silent movie with Greta Garbo, as I have started a new MOOC on Marriage and the Movies. It should be very interesting as you get to watch lots of movies as part of the course, including the War of the Roses which is one of my all time favourites - as their behaviour is so outlandishly awful!

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