Blip Olympics

Today I got a big lesson in what it takes to be a brilliant photographer and believe me it's not just about knowing how to use the knobs on the camera.

I like many other blippers have followed the brilliant blip journal of Gitama Day and CCN and I have had the good fortune to meet her on several occasions on our way to Bundaberg and back.  We decided that it was high time that we repaid Gitama's hospitality and invited her to the mountains for a brief holiday with us before the Vivid Blip Meet on Saturday night in Sydney.

Having now spent a day and a half following Gitama and her camera around I can let you in on a secret.  We have basically done the equivalent of the Photographic Decathlon.  It really started today when I took Gitama to Govett's Leap to start a day of sightseeing.  Within the first 10 minutes we were involved in several events which included bungy jumping, rock climbing, a cross country foot race, and the pole vault.  The pole vaulting event turned out to be a test of incredible skill and that was to stand precariously on a very narrow ledge with your pole and recover a very, very expensive pair of sunglasses that Gitama had in her excitement let go and had seen plummet over the cliff.  Now blipper Gemaxphotos had the day off to sort out some "Tradies" and lucky for us had wandered down to meet Gitama.  In a show of great courage and tenacity, Geoff turned out to be the hero of this extremely exciting and nail biting event.  

This was amazingly not the end of the olympic trials. I was astonished to see Gitama also take on the water sports when we visited the Leura Cascades.  I must admit I was happy when she reneged when faced with the challenge of diving off the side of the waterfall.  Thanks isbi and trisharooni for joining us for part of the day.  It turned out to be a lot of fun.  

On Friday afternoon we are having a very informal blip meet at Wombat Hollow.  I will happily throw a batch of Date and Lemon Scones in the oven for those blippers who are free to come and meet Gitama.  Just let me know in plenty of time so I can make sure there's a scone for you!!

PS - In case you're wondering, this is Gitama during the hurdling event.

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