A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

DB's paintings

I have a friend, Dan. To call him a friend is to undersell him. He's been a part of my life for 12 years now - has seen me through good times and been there for me through thick and thin. We've spent many lovely afternoons drinking coffee, smoking fags and putting the world to rights during the school holidays.

Its my turn to be there for him now - and I will be, as he well knows!

His art work is up in my house. I love the style that he paints with - its warm, very stylised and is typically 'Dan'. Sadly, this painting is not up in my house, its in HIS. I covet it, along with other paintings of his. I have one, which I blipped a couple of weeks ago.

He has all this talent - he paints, he draws, he's a fabulous teacher (OUtstanding by the standards of the people 'in the know'), he has the most amazing voice, sings in a band and earns some beer money and he is outwardly confident, but not brash. He's a fantastic Dad, adores his two sons who I know he would do absolutely anything for and he is the best friend I could hope to have.

So, DB, I know you will probably read this (because I bookmarked it on your favourites this afternoon!!!! You have no choice now), but I just wanted you to know that whatever is going on, I am always here for you and we always have a spare futon bed for you to sleep on if you need it.

I love you dearly (in a platonic way - No hugs now - arms distance at all times - closeness is a BAD thing !) and I never tell you, but I am proud that you are my friend, and that at least one of us has some REAL talent!!!

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