Day 851 - Tattoo

I was up at 5.30 and ready to leave at 6.15am!  Emily's car was fixed yesterday so we set off and had lovely drive into Glasgow via Buchlyvie.  The sun was out and the hills looked lovely.

Had to be at the hospital for 7.30am.  I was bored and hungry by midday and didn't actually go down to the theatre until about 3.30pm.  Back up to the ward by 5.30.  Finally got home just before 9pm so it was a bit of a long day!

The drugs were great though!!!!  Not much pain (yet) and I am trying to master crutches.  I think I'll only need them for a couple of days. 

The black marks below the bandage and very swollen knee is my 'tattoo' to make sure they operated on the correct knee!  It's a big arrow with a large 'L' and 'knee' written beside it.  My leg looks a little pink but that's the iodine solution.  I got a fright when I saw it - I didn't realise you could get pink iodine and thought my leg was burning up!!!

Now I just need to be patient and let it heal...

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