
After a very eventful and brilliant day......WWombat and I decided to choof off to Hargraves Lookout...just to make sure the sun was settling nicely into its bed behind the clouds.
When we turned the corner this is what we saw..........WWombat slammed on the brakes and we nearly fell out of the Mini Mo (van) rushing with our cameras to view this incredible sight. 
I have never seen anything like it...we really were gobsmacked and I felt myself trembling with excitement whilst continually pressing the shutter of the camera......Which leads me to another time.....................
...................today when @ Govetts leap I looked over to Bridal Veil falls when the spray and sunlight were making rainbows in the water...I got so excited I completely forgot that I had my multi focal sunnies in my hand and shrieked when I watched them fall over the cliff in slow motion.

What to say? the band of blippers that had gathered for the morning shoot Isbi......Gmax......Trisharooni and WWombat became a dream team in recovering said sunnies from 20 ft down and 20ft up.......Gmax led the team  with bravery and aplomb...however we were a bit worried when we couldn't see him hidden in the brakken fern for quite some time.......triffids on the loose...hope not.
We went to the Leura Cascades...that was fun practising LE and then out to Sublime Point.......both of which ......there is so much to comment upon being such fabulously beautiful places.......Then there was lunch (very important)
The day was brilliant and it was so lovely meeting some other blippers...guess what we mostly talked about? hahahahahahah.

Sorry Trish I said I wasn't going to post the gnomes in the cave but it was such a lovely one of you I just had to.

Really really knackered now though.....jeez! that was a big day.
Another big day tomorrow.........Yahoo!

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