
Spent the morning here in Avoca with Fluffikens despite weeks of excuses and preferred options from her to visit just about anywhere else....and on the way home I hear "Can't wait to come back..."    aaaaaagh.!!!! Mars and Venus come to mind........ And it was all that I expected of it.

Some of the building remaining are masterpieces of cut stone and red brick. It's a pity none are open to the public due to insurance costs and health & safety... Will bring my wire cutters next time along with spare wire and a pliers to reseal after exploring...

"Copper mining is reported to have begun in the Avoca River valley around 1720 and it continued, with interruptions, until 1982. Earlier mining, perhaps dating back to the Bronze Age may have occurred. The East Avoca site, today, is composed mainly of a number of rock waste spoil heaps, abandoned quarries (Cronebane and East Avoca open pits) and disused roads".

Pleasantly surprised by the red kites which are profuse all along the valley.... I managed a few photos but want to go back to get better. I played hide and seek with a hen pheasant in a field where she seemed to think she was invisible when she stuck her head in a clump of grass.....No wonder they get shot...

All in all a great day to be repeated...

Big John

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