Chelsea Flower Show

The main reason for our visit was to go to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show - the pre-eminent of it's type.  I had never been before normal to any of its derivatives.  My interest in gardening has been going and, with all that TV coverage, had become intrigued so the opportunity was created.

We arrived just after 8am and stayed until 7pm.  It was all that we thought it would be and a little little more.  Glorious gardens and garden spaces, stunning plants which all behaved themselves in wonderful displays and scores of commercial enterprises wishing to lighten our pockets.  Food at London-plus prices and (a surprise) some music including rock-a-billy!!

We saw them all.  All the Joes, Carols, Nikkies, James', Rachels, Monty's, and many others with their travelling TV recording equipment. At times it felt like a TV Studio with some plants in it.  But we were all very polite and let them get on to bring a bit of the spectacle to the rest of the world.

And there were bees.  Maybe on their holidays.

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