Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Bar Rhino

Last week I helped out at work to do some trials on a new patient positioning system. This involved me having to get my eye scanned. Not a mean feat considering how quick I can blink. Had an email today from the person doing the trail to say they had sent one of my eye images away as they thought there was an issue with my retina. They think there might be a small hole in it. The specialist seemed to agree but said there wasn’t any evidence that it’s recent. Looks like I’m going to heave to get some more images taken and go and see the doctor.
Came back and emptied the flat of the rest of the furniture we had left to dress it for viewings. RD came up to help. Still no news on the missives getting signed, in fact no news from his solicitor at all today.

Went for a couple of drinks after with RD to the Spit and Fire. They now have a large rhinoceros painted on one of the wall. Seems that they arranged for a street artist to come in and paint something. This is the result.

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