Joining the Terns
Time is coming! To go for the first daring dive. Not yet today, as the wind was still rather chilly. But my feet had their baptise. First crossing the remnants of what once was called “the Laguna”. There is still this stretched canal, flowing far to the North at low tide joining the big sea. And you have to find your way to wade through this stream to reach the Zandmotor Peninsula. Now a very long sandbar, separating the southern beach part from open sea.
Open Sea! Such an attraction to be in distant touch with the incoming waves , that blue-green infinity, the horizon where the sky touches the far away waters. Sails moving over there, white and today a pointing black one. And as I walked barefoot over the Zandmotor I saw them. Just three or four Terns. My redlegged, redbeaked Cheeriohey-Friends of the Surf. There they stood waiting for a tasty catch, not frightened off by my slow approach.
After crossing back to Willemien, we made a firm walk along the the seaside to the North. Until the backwind became too cold. A sign which pointed forward to hot tea on a sunny balcony. With a heart flowing over from Cheerios, Foamy Waves and Low-Tide Sands.
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