Just me..

By Sunnyclouds


An early start this morning, my alarm went off at 2.02am and I was off, straight into the shower, packing the last bits and getting everyone ready!

A massive close call when we got to the airport... Colin spent an age in the sunglasses hut (as per) then the boys needed coffee and bacon sangers, whilst queueing to pay Rosie came running up to inform us that our gate had closed!!! It was like a scene from Home Alone (only with all the children!) 9 people and a baby in a pushchair running at top speed through the airport trying not to miss our flight... Turns out it was still open and they only put that notice up as they were a little short staffed and wanted everyone to get a wriggle on... Cue 9 red faced, panting, out of breath people and a sleepy Jude in the pushchair!!

Easy flight with salty food, some duty free perfume i didn't get time to purchase at the airport, some sleepy cuddles with baby Jude and almost 4 hours of kindle time!

Hotel, swimming, cocktails, copious amounts of food, more cocktails, more kindle and bed!!!

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