
By grannygrant

Holding court

Ivy and I have an exciting day.
I woke up to her bouncing on the bed saying "hello darling". We went downstairs to have our breakfast, her second of toast and peanut butter.
We put her washing in the machine and I gave the living room a quick vacuum, ivy is not very keen on the noise but our new one is quite quiet so she chilled on the sofa with a cookery book, I felt like her "daily" .
We then went to visit granny's knitting group. When I said we were going to meet granny's friends she looked sceptical but she had a great time, everyone was very pleased to see her and she now has a new bff ( I have no idea but ivy clearly does)
We went on the bus again to the central library to book bugs, ivy knew most of the songs but we did learn a few new verses.
Back home the soup I had put in the slow cooker was ready and ivy had two bowls!
After a quick nap great granny and great aunty Fiona came to visit.
Ivy hadn't taken to Fiona on Tuesday but she seemed intrigued by the thought of Fiona being granny's sister and great granny my mother. She went immediately to my mum and sat on her knee but Fiona was still given the cold shoulder!
We had great news from mummy that willow is doing even better than expected so ivy and I baked a cake to celebrate and it looks like we are off on another leg of our adventure!

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