
By tolu

Had such a busy day today I couldn't get near to blip. It was my sisters birthday, so early present shopping and secret birthday-cake-baking was followed by helping out at the street party she had organized, saving just enough energy to help her celebrate late into the evening. Watching my sister bring so much fun and sparkle to others, (particularly local young people in whom she invests so much) on a day when she could have been much more selfish was inspiring to witness.

When I arrived at the street party I was engulfed into the arms of a friend I've not seen for years. Over tea and sandwiches he shared some of the heartbreaking events of the last few years which have left him a single father to two gorgeous boys. It was good to listen and offer what encouragement I could, and to see the strength in him, matched by the gentle love he showers on his boys.

Another inspiring life being lived quietly but heroically for the ones he loves.

I am richer today for knowing them.

I chose this image of a print of a Chris Nash photo showing two dancers set against one of his grandfathers letters written in the trenches. To me it speaks of love that endures against the backdrop of real life, often hard life, but life that is not without its blue skies, here reflected in the glass frame.


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