Reflections (looking out to the terraced garden)
We've finally made it to Paris! It was a beautiful day when we left Edinburgh for the airport midmorning, I was beginning to think I wouldn't need my jacket at all. K and I decided to take the tram to the airport which for us living off Leith walk was quite convenient. Check in went smoothly and the flight was fine being a sunny calm day. The only glitch was K dropping his tweed jacket in the airport and not noticing till we boarded the plane. After landing in CdeG it was a simple train ride to Garde de Norde and 2 métro stops to Château Rouge. (I say simple but we couldn't figure out how to get out of GdeN and onto the metro for a while). Eventually arrived at our digs in Montmartre around 6:00, a lovely little apartment with a terraced garden out back. We have a well equipped kitchen so it's off to get some food at the supermarche! Also it's actually warm here, 20 degrees, this is going to be great!
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