Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Poppy and Daisy

My friend Anne came round today, with Daisy the Cocker and Poppy the black Lab. 

We headed off out for a lovely long 2-hour walk, where the girls were able to roam off lead almost the entire way.  Sadly, due to his inability to obey the simple command 'Come', my wee horror had to stay on his long lead.  This had the advantage of allowing Poppy to escape his amorous attentions to some extent, if she just managed to stay a few inches out of his range. 

He loves her!  The much more suitably sized Daisy doesn't get as much as a sniff from him, while he chases and pesters poor patient Poppy to death! 

Back at the house after, Anne and I had coffee and cake while the three dogs lay outside in the sunshine until it was time to go home. 

A very nice day, and then I drove to Burntisland to pick up the Bandits, who are currently upstairs fast asleep.  It's going to be a lovely weekend.

Hope yours is too. 

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