
By tookie

Pink Azelias...

In all their glory....We have been swamped and over our heads with car problems these past few days.  Our air conditioner compressor  imploded on our CR-V sending shrapnel throughout the entire air conditioner  system which would be a 4500.00 repair according to the dealer.  we considered a new car....then started going bonkers trying to get a good deal and a good trade in deal....Nothing seemed "good" and our car has 154,000 miles. Thank goodness for my many years as a union negotiator as I could hold my own at times with the car salespeople! At one point they asked what we wanted for our trade in...Big R said one price, and after I kicked him under the table I said no...we needed at least this much---a higher amount.:)
 So in the end we just paid for the other repairs we had needed and brought our beloved dark blue car home..  The one that has the hooligan aroma and rides high enough up for my knees to be comfy.  We'll now take our time to decide what to do and time to wheel and deal which we hate doing.  Already the dealership is proposing better deals ha ha.  We will wait....chill out---well not in the unairconditioned car...not that necessary right now in our cooler temps. But when it gets warm here it is a for now our blue beloved car is snug as a bug with it's scratches and smells parked under the car port.  Life can get back to walks and flowers and books and people time.  Ugh to car dealings!  Have a great weekend and memorial day weekend to fellow folks in the states:)   And thank you Biker Bear for hosting the Friday flower challenge~

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