
Get me! Ok, I'll stop right there. That's right. Stop me if you've heard this one before.
Anyway, after a morning of the usual chores (Aberdeen Angus chipolatas with cracked pepper 1/3 off !) it was up to visit the maw. She'd not been quite herself so is now on antibiotics. The doctor, she told me, asked her if she'd recently been confused at all. How would I know, she asked him truthfully. Haw haw. And we laughed together. She's no sae daft.
So then! The main event. Tarra!! The visit of LadyG to auld reekie. That's Embra's name. Not mine.
So, there were pies and a pint! In the famous howff. And a splash around the mud hole.
Right. Enough. The night is but young. And so is she, I should quickly add! And the other crewmate too! I should even more quickly add. Ouch! My shins!

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