and through the wire...

By hesscat

And She's Back...

Just over 11 days ago, Ms H set off on her S3 projects trip to Lochaber and Lewis, and today she arrived back having had an excellent time and made new friends. It included a hike to the top of Ben Nevis and for a short moment, she was the tallest person in the UK, something I have yet to accomplish - although we do have an opportunity in July! It seems great memories have been formed and unusually was able to retell them for several hours over dinner.

It was good they kept a journal of their activities and thoughts during their time away and she wrote a poem on the journey back that's far too long to quote here, but she's approved me quoting the last verse...

The End of the Beginning

And so we are at the end of the beginning,
We will leave with our heads held high,
And if we start to get cold,
We have the memories to keep us warm.

Ms H, 22nd May, 2015.

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