
Today's the day .................................. to watch the birds

A lovely sunny day in Norfolk today - perfect for a trip to the Norfolk Wildlife Trust's oldest and best known nature reserve at Cley Marshes on the North Norfolk coast.

The shingle beach and saline lagoons, along with the grazing marsh and reedbed support large numbers of wintering and migrating wildfowl and waders - and we had hopeful expectations that we might see a marsh harrier, bearded tits or even the elusive bittern. Our spirits were high!

And we did see all sorts of birds including many avocets like this one - dredging the muddy bottom of the pool for food. They are such bullies and would often pick a fight with other birds - even the much bigger shelducks - for no apparent reason. We watched a marsh harrier quartering the marshes - such a wonderful bird. I can be persuaded that we saw bearded tits (certainly heard them) but never for long enough to get a really good look.

As to the elusive bittern - well it remains elusive. Margaret and I were convinced for a while that we had heard its boom - but that was probably just wishful thinking.

Never mind - we have to leave something to look for next time ...........................

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