
The rain has been persistent for most of the day, and often very heavy. Fortunately coming pretty much vertical, so no water ingress. Mid-afternoon coincided with mid tide, and also with one of the few protracted periods without any rain.

When I went out, I carried the new waterproof bag for the Pentax, conveniently folded up small in a pocket of my shower proof. It stayed in my pocket during the whole birding jaunt.

I saw a lot of kotare (kingfishers) in twos and threes as well as individuals. Heron, shags, oystercatchers. 

And Tuturiwhatu (the NZ Dotterel). I think that I saw 8 of them running around. Most of them skirted me at quite a distance. This one, although keeping an almost constant eye (at times two) on me, came within 3 metres of where I stayed still. Well, I didn't walk, or even shift my legs. I turned my body and kept taking photos. This was the best of quite a series.

I think that it is an adult female

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