
Never an easy shot when your ball lands on a path. The choices are a drop, risk breaking your club (or your wrist) by taking the shot or simply nudge it off and hope no one saw.

The latter is dishonest so I went for option A.

Anyway a lovely morning in bright sunshine culminated in a good round of golf with a wholesome breakfast straight afterwards and all of this before 10.00am. I then (drum roll) hacked the lawn to pieces only for it to pour down (unscheduled if you listen to the Met Office) and prevent me from adding the finishing touches. It now looks like my hair did in the late 1980s - unkept.

Annoyingly another chore came my way as we cleaned and tidied the entire house but one item was found much to my amazement - my wedding ring which has been lost for the last 3 months. It was under the bed (I thought I'd lost it swimming). Lady A was delighted, I was annoyed as I wanted to have one of those tattoo rings on my finger instead....

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