The Scoop on Poop!!

Had planned on going into Bath today, but a sleepless night meant that I didn't have the energy to even walk to the bus stop, let alone do battle with the hordes of Bath!

So instead a quiet day pottering in the garden, reading and snoozing, and soaking up the birdsong and sunshine... My constant companions were Mr and Mrs Robin who obviously have a nest of hatchlings in the garden, as they were very busy flying backwards and forwards, ferrying food in and fecal sacs out! (If you look carefully, you can see the white fecal sac in the beak of the Robin.) I was quite surprised to discover their new brood, as it was only a month ago that they were being very protective of a young fledgling. I'm not a bird expert, maybe that's normal. Maybe somebody out there can offer an explanation?

So after a restful day, am now feeling more energised and ready for Eurovision!! Hope you've all printed your score card and are ready to sing and dance the night away?!!

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