Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Day 1, Toledo

Boarded the coach at 8.30 am for the start of  5 day coach tour of Spain.  Beautiful coach, plenty of leg room, at our first 'comfort' stop we were informed we would have to change to a different coach, as the one we were on wasn't going to Toledo.  Second coach wasn't as good, normal leg room, second 'comfort'  stop and we were informed we would have to change coach again, so as you can imagine not a happy bunch.

Eventually arrived in Toledo, by the time we got to the hotel, checked in and unpacked it was 5pm, we had time for a quick look round the Cathedral, before we had to return to the hotel to shower and change then go down for evening meal.

There were only 7 of us staying in the hotel that belonged to the coach tour, and we were informed that we had to be in the dining room by 8pm and we had to sit together.  So there was Roy and I and 5 Germans, conversation was interesting!!!

We found a nice little bar in one of the back streets, we demolished a few brandies and coffees, back to the hotel, we slept well.

This is part of the Cathedral, very dramatic.  I think it is the rood screen.

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