And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Fia & me...

at last I got a cuddle she is as light as a feather and cuter than anything I have seen. I got a little emotional, the gift of life is an amazing thing :) Bri and jen are doing well as little Fia sleeps all day long and and yes you guessed it awake all night! The midwife is going back in the morning there hoping she does not have to have another heel prick as she has had loads already! but I suppose its for her good we are lucky we still have an NHS for now anyway. its not the best photo my sister took it and my hairs a mess and my skin looks oily plus Fias face is covered up by her shawl. We went to Ravenscar after and went for a lovely walk on the moor land it was bliss thoroughly enjoyed myself. We have dad coming for tea at 6pm I have chilli con carnie in the slow cooker served with boiled rice and salad.

diet still going well, im so pleased :O)

love c xxx

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