Times Of My Life

By CarolB


HE Bates anyone?  Pa Larkin?

It was that kind of a weekend. 

Friday - dog walk and cake with old pal.  Followed by pick up of beloved grandchildren. 

Saturday - surprise birthday lunch for aged parent, with whole family in attendance.  Followed by Eurovision, wine and grandkids safely tucked up in bed.

Today, Sunday, whole day of grandchildren time.  G away to a car boot sale early on, me and kids up and at 'em by 8am.  Breakfasted, bathed, out with the dog, down to the park, off to the shops, back to the garden.

Tea, jammies, home to Mummy and Daddy (rather poorly after a party last night!) Bandit 2 crashed out in the car, and slept all the way home, to be scooped up by Daddy and taken straight to bed.

Bandit 1 and I sang along, and very loudly, to the Muppet Movie CD all the way home.  He had a sniffle "Granny, I don't want you to go ..." when I gave him a last hug before heading back home. 

Yup.  I'm with Pa. 

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