Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2015 Thursday -- There It Is!!!

On the road trip to "Hank's House," which is the name of our little beach house in Cayucos, on California's Central Coast, we arrive at this spot and our vehicle crests the hill and the curvature of the shore becomes visible and so do the homes dotting the landscape as we round the bend. Then we both let out a sigh and with delight in our voices (almost in unison) we cry out, "There it is!" The moment is dreamy, magical, whimsical and definitely intoxicating!

Summer songs begin playing in our minds; we remember days of bikinis and baggies, and the stinging taste of salt tingles our tongues, and we feel sand beneath our toes as we are transported to younger days while traveling the last two miles to our retirement shanty.

Even though I've previously blipped this scene  and this is a rather crummy shot (through the windshield), I'm going to make this today's selection.

Hooray! We are at Hank's House!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. He's retired; I am not, but looking forward to that season.

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