A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Pre-work scenery

Not bad :]

Today has largely consisted of a shift at work...about which I really cannot complain! It felt like a lot of progress was made today and it was lovely to be a small part of that :]

We went to Vogrie Country Park in the morning and the Royal Botanic Gardens in the afternoon. I fully plan on going back to the gardens on a nice day - there was quite a few people just sitting reading books & it seems like such a peaceful place to do exactly that :] If I can pluck up the courage I may even consider hiring a car at some point and take a wee trip over to Vogrie for a proper explore, too!

Same shift again tomorrow so it's a chilled evening to myself :] First though - a quick wander over to the train station to pick up my tickets for Friday. Looking forward to some time away :]

Today I'm thankful for...:

Edit - woohoo - blue skies & green grass pictures 3 days in a row - summer!!

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