nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

Llyn Cowlyd Reservoir

Today was spent with the very enthusiastic and knowledgable John on  navigation training; something for everyone from complete beginners to those of us looking for a bit of a polish.  Probably the most useful thing was working out how many paces equal 100 m, although I think the rest of the camp wondered what we were up to walking up and down a rugby pitch.  Then we hid some pound coins on compass bearings before going for a short walk next to this reservoir, taking turns to do some 'micro-navigation'.  

I know that we are spoiled by the OS maps in this country, but this has really opened my eyes to the detail they contain, and using them to their full potential. Amongst other things, I learned that the black spot heights are those from original triangulation measurements, while the brown ones are from the current aerial methods.  I sometimes think that cartography is a missed calling of mine.

The evening was taken up with Eurovision - you can't really ask for better company than 250 gay blokes for this, so I have added a couple of extras  as a bit of a different flavour to the peace of the Welsh hills.

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