
Think Wom is doing some sort of endurance challenge on how much sleep can I deprive my mummy of.
11:30 dream feed wasn't too bad, 12:30 screaming not so great, still unsettled at 2:00. Grim. He then stirred around 4:30 and I brought him into our room. Around 5:45 a little voice said can I have my drink please mummy. No idea how long Munchie had been in our bed. Confused me no end.

Daddy kindly gave me an hour to sleep, which I did. I then headed down as daddy wanted to go to the flea fair at the show ground. Woms went back to sleep, Munchie played and I did some work on reports.

Went to green shop. Amazed to discover they have no double seat trolleys at our store. Not really what one expects from waitrose. Bought supplies for the inlaws coming for lunch and headed back home.

Inlaws arrived, lunch consumed, desert eaten. Woms had fun playing In the old sand pit, shouting at anything that dare move, Munchie just had fun playing. I went back to bed for half an hour as was so very tired.

Tea was tiring, Munchie was shattered, Wom hadn't had an afternoon sleep, but we got through it. Wom then fell fast asleep on me!

Woke Wom for it
Both asleep by 7:30
I'm in bed 20:13
Need sleep, lots of sleep.

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