Rainy Frog

Look who's back in his favourite place. I had to throw a coat over my camera to take this as it has been raining all afternoon.

Had a lazy day apart from cleaning the tropical fish out. I've been researching gadgets. I'm going to do a tour round part of a very large island near Africa later in the year and I would like to keep a GPS log of where we go & to geotag the photos.
I have my 10 year reward to use, so I'm considering the Garmin eTrex 20 or the Amod AGL3080. The Garmin will have more use I think, but I was wondering if anyone can advise?

For anyone watching Springwatch this week, look out for Ed Drewitt who is going to be talking about the Peregrines. He was my tour guide in California and he is very knowledgeable and lovely. I have also uploaded the Sparrowhawk to Springwatch as suggested by Roy, thanks Roy!

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