
After our late night watching the cream of European vocalists we had a fairly lazy morning. Croissants and tea and Daim bar sweets. Yummy!!
Unfortunately it was a bit fraught with the children. They didn't go to sleep until after 11pm last night and the lack of sleep showed! There were tears, complaints about being left out, lots of "he said/she said", and general grumpiness, irrationality and unrest.
Eventually I decided we should leave as Miss E was getting upset and wailing that she wanted to go home. We had to have a word about manners!
We compromised and all went to McDonalds for lunch and then to Currys to look at new TVs for Mrs Z and Mr K and washing machines, dishwashers, fridges and freezers for us.
And wi-fi kettles which you can turn on with your phone from the comfort of your bed in the morning and which turn themselves on when you pull up outside in the evening. Genius!
Home to a lazy afternoon on the sofa watching rubbish cartoons followed by dinner, bath and an early night.

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