
By Cigs

West Register Street

Last time I was in West Register Street I managed to get a celebratinged
photographer into the shot. (He was quite pliable after about 17 pints of An Tealleaaaaaaaaachhhhh)
This time on West Register Street, I have another photographer. (Well, he's carrying a camera....)

So there I was pondering which bit of Lidl's renowned blue door to blip at lunchtime today when a message popped up in my inbox from cigsspotter (no, not Norrie from Musselburgh)  rjevans6.

As he'd been rushing to get the tram from St Andrew's Square this morning, he'd passed West Register Street and clocked this one.

Which is a joy to behold. It appears the bromance between Cigs and Deli is alive and well and any reports of a lovers tiff have been exaggerated wildly.

Cigs in a slightly bronzed shimmering paint; Deli's silver.  I can't work out if the emoticon in the dot of the eye is peeved royal or scared alien? There's a bit of a sneer there....

Dated 15, on faux marble. It's gonna be easy to wash off but for now it has pride of place next Greggs where a thousand office workers and van drivers and cabbies can enjoy its splendour as they scurry along for a steak bake meal deal.

Note: A new PB - 52 minutes from message notifying the location to being up online.

Back to work now.

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