
Another great day spent work-free thanks to Lizzie. I hope she doesn't mind too much that I did my best to avoid any sight or sound of proceedings. It's not that I'm anti-royal or any of that nonsense, I just have no interest in all that pomp.

Susie was at the spa this morning with her sister so I went to the gym for a bit of a workout then spent the rest of the morning in the garden. I managed to get the rest of the plants we bought bedded in as well as cutting the grass, tidying the shed and re-potting Finlay and Brody's sunflowers.

The afternoon was spent relaxing with a book and enjoying the peace and quiet before Susie brought the boys home from nursery.

Tonight I think I'll crack open one of the bottles of Talisker that Susie's mum brought back from her trip to Skye to commiserate the return to work. Lovely stuff.

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