A Meandering Life...

By Skeena


Since I went digital my memory has gone leaps and bounds. 

My first bridge camera, a FujiFilm FinePix 2800, came with this 16MB memory card. I didn’t know about RAW files then and I was quite happy with the quality of my jpeg images. 

Since then I have developed a collection of memory cards that have increased in size and speed. My current 32GB card holds 2000 times more information than the 16MB one. I know there are much bigger and quicker cards out there!

The only thing is the size of my images are increasing at the same time. More is expected and demanded of the memory card. The speed of increased memory is often out striped by the increase demand of the processing power in new technology.

This morning I stumbled across an old report about the history of computer data storage. Needless to say as the article being published in 2008 it is totally out of date now. I doubt anyone could type quick enough to keep track with the pace of development.

As for my own memory it appears to be in need of a reboot, defrag or just formatting. I doesn’t seem to keep up with all the processing that is being demanded on it these days. I’m finding as I load up new information old stuff is overwritten or stored in unknown places.

Like my camera memory cards I'm having to download the data to make room for new stuff. Lucky for me this data is stored on the Internet. All the stuff I learnt during my garden design degree for example can be found on the Internet which means I only need a little memory set aside for all that data. This process only needs me to know where to look.

I still worry my memory card may go bang though. This morning I spent the whole time thinking it was Wednesday. I even tried to withdraw money from the Post Office that arrives on said day……

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