
By Shoegirl

Ready to pop!

So I'm watching Villa play in the FA Cup Final this Saturday and I am SO excited. I keep welling up with tears of joy! I know it will sound crazy to some but I guess we all have our passions in life and this is definitely a big one of mine! The only sad part of it is that my younger brother (who has been at Villa Park with me every other Saturday for 20 years and more) is not able to come to the final. I wish with all my heart he could be there with me but he is needed elsewhere and I'm very proud of him for being a good friend and honouring that commitment. It would be wonderful to win it and enjoy some crazy celebrations with him on Sunday (We can dream!).
And I'm happy to admit that I spent 3 minutes of my life colouring in the football on a Pringles tin. I bought snacks for the game and it just didn't sit right that the football came in Arsenal colours. Oh yep, I did.

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