
with daddy.
This impressive linden lane is in the most beautiful park of Hamburg, near Blankenese ( a suburb of Hamburg) . Located on  bluff, high above the river Elbe it is full of deer ( hence the name Hirschpark - stag park) , Rhododendrons in all colors and beautiful high old trees. Mostly beech trees, but here it's linden trees.
This is a backblip of course. I will add some more pictures of the beautiful west of the town with the river Elbe.
the hill with lots of houses shows the so called stair quarter of Blankenese. This is probably the oldest part of Blankenese, where former sea captains built their tiny houses for retirement on the hill, because from every corner they could see their beloved Elbe river day and night. Meanwhile, in my eyes unfortunately, most of the old little houses have been torn down and been replaced by something fancy and modern and too big.

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