Abbie the wonderful westie
Today I went to the park with Abbie the wonderful westie.
I'm a little bit jealous of Abbie because everyone keeps telling her how cute and gorgeous she is. Ann thinks she's like a cuddly little teddy!
Anyway, sometimes when I have to 'share Ann' with other dogs I go into major show off and top dog mode. Today when we went to the park I was doing all sorts of naughty things that I don't normally do, but I wanted to prove to Abbie how rebellious I was. And also, doing naughty things means that I get a lot of attention.
One of the naughty things that I did today was....................... jump on to one of the picnic tables. I thought that would make Ann really angry because I know that places where people eat are not places where little collie's should sit. I thought that I'd get told off which would mean that Abbie would look at me in awe and then I'd get a lot of respect from her.
.....................But do you know what? ........................ I didn't get told off. In fact Ann just ignored me. She picked Abbie up, plonked Abbie on the picnic table next to me and said, 'This will make a nice blip.' And then she praised Abbie for looking all cute and gorgeous.
Obviously I refused to smile for the camera because I was still in rebellious mode. So then Ann said, 'Molly, I bet Abbie will get more complimentary comments than you today because no one will want to see a photo of a grumpy collie'.
Sometimes my very clever cunning plans backfire. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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