
By TBay

And the winners are...

Somerset YFC marquee!! Yes the hard work paid off and we won the competition for best display in a marquee for our size category! We are the proud owners of a splendid trophy and a Gold Certificate form the Bath and West Show.

The picture shows our Bath and West Chairman, Eve talking to the current joint Bath and West President Lord Fellows, his wife Lady Fellows being the other joint President! And yes this is the Julian Fellows who pens Downton Abbey! He dropped in to the YfC Marquee to see what we were up to and spent 45 mins talking to us . He is such an enthusiastic person and seemed to very much enjoy his time with us. Of course we enjoyed his visit too.

Quite a day for us as we had the new Bishop of Bath and Wells ( not the baby eater ) ( ref Black Adder ) Bishop Peter and his lovely wife also join us. He was scheduled to stay for 10 mins, and an hour later he departed!! People seem to like us! Picture of Bishop tomorrow I think!

After a fun packed day we eventually got home at 9:00 pm!

Farming - Silage team finished their current farm and ready for the next. Two on compost hauling .

I am again rather slow commenting. Bear with me and I will catch up again. It may take me a few days as this week is frantic!! Good night blippers.

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