When they re-engineered the layout at Waterloo station they put in this huge moving advertising board.  This is a BMW advert and it shows how the cars have changed over the years. Ideally the blip will show you the car in each year but I've only managed to capture 2 and half of them. 

The day didn't start well as the usual 10 carriage train was only 8 so it was a bit of a squeeze.

Today I met two people who I speak with usually on the phone.  Why don't people look like their voice? Why do we visualise people when we speak to them?

I doubt that I look like my voice either.

Each evening when I get home I check the three bird feeders to ensure that the mum and dad birds have food for their babies.  Everyone was empty.  Either the birds have upped their feeding or I have a flying squirrel in the garden.  Each feeder is protected with a squirrel baffle - a large cone above them. Or maybe the rat in the garden has learnt to jump.

PS I don't know how to get rid of the rat.  Murphy's brother Milo died from being in contact with rat poison.  I reported the rat to the local council.  They were very helpful until I explained that I had a dog.  They advised me that the local vets carry the antidote to the poison. When I explained that Milo died from the poison they said that they would come back to me.  They didn't.

How can I kill the rate but NOT hurt Murphy

Thank you as always for dropping by.

I still have two Shaun's to collect and I am seriously running out of time

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