
By dwalletta

Not waving

When I said it was going to get busy, I hadn't appreciated quite how busy.
Yesterday I got the keys to a new flat in the morning, only to have the landlady change her mind about renting it in the afternoon. Nothing to do with her taking a dislike to me. Though maybe the tiara wasn't such a good idea. So I'm in the weird position of having been served notice to quit on a property I've not yet moved into. 
I also heard I have an interview next week for the photography course, so I'll need to get my portfolio together. And the knee operation is scheduled for Monday. House hunting and interviewing will all be done at a limp.
For some light relief, I got naked with misterft at lunchtime at the splendid Hidden Door. At least I got naked - I'm not quite so sure he did. Artist Amy Mae is photographing people's backs, in any way they want them to be photographed. Naked? I asked. Perfect, she said. So I stripped off. The prints will be shown on Saturday, and I'll blip them if it turns out my fellow blipper entered into the spirit of it all and went starkers too.

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