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Like a lot of blippers the starlings have arrived in my garden. There seemed to be more this morning. So full of energy and the poor parents do nt have a chance of a rest. The adults fly off and so do the young, they sit on the ground , so do the young, noisily shouting in their Mum and Dads ear. They must be quite capable of popping their beak into the feeder and getting the food themselves but no it has to come from Mum and Dad.
They had a lucky escape this morning as shortly after this shot the female Sparrow hawk zoomed in and almost caught one but it flew off harassed by about 20 starlings, swallows and the two crows and ha nt returned yet.
We're off to Eden Court tonight to a talk by Naill McCann , an adventurer who has rowed the Atlantic, canoed up the Yukon River and
man -hauling across Greenland so there should be some interesting tales to tell. I think he's been sleeping in a hammock the last few nights so that must have been a big challenge to as it's been pretty windy with heavy rain showers. The sun has been out in between so not too bad a day.

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