Sitting on the Fence

Was Isla today, and the other photo looking for Ladybirds.. She has had fun and a long nap, away to take her home soon. Well I am back on line, the story goes like this...are you ready... The BT engineer came this morning and said I've come to install Broadband for you..........hahahaha we told him weve had BB for 9/10 years then Mr L explained things to him, and he went down to the village exchange, another engineer had only crossed out our No and put us on another No, anyhoo he changed it back and put some thingy on it so it couldn't happen again, he said the other engineers a numpty....You don't realise how much you miss the internet until it's not working, I have been bereft so I have.. Thank you so much for still commenting, I couldn't comment just give stars.. but now I am Wi Fied up to all my families internet hahahahaha Hope your all having a grand day.

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