Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Ne'er cast a cloot .........

...... til May is oot. 

So goes the old saying, generally attributed to Scottish grannies.  Basically, for those who dinnae speaka da lingo, it means "Do not divest yourself of your warm winter garments until after May has gone". 

Often taken to mean that the weather can still be unpredictable until we get into June (oh aye, that's when we are guaranteed long, hot, dry days!) and therefore we had best keep our semmits on under our shirts. 

My Mum tells me though, that the flower of the Hawthorn bush is called the May flower, and that the old saying refers to that rather than the month.  I think she is probably right - certainly it was cold enough this morning for me to need to have kept my vest (well, my jammie top) on underneath my sweatshirt and jacket when Rocky and I headed out. 

Been a really busy day today, never stopped working for a moment, and once again never did any of the things which were on my 'To Do' list.

I'm off tomorrow though, and that front garden is getting it! 

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