
Boy did it rain this morning! Despite the torrential rain, the bird feeders were doing a brisk trade with visits from the Sparrow, Starling, Blackbird and Goldfinch families. Sadly the chances of a Robin family materialising look very slim. For the last few days I've only seen one Robin in the garden, and no more insect collecting forays. There have been a lot of Magpies and Jackdaws hanging around so I fear the nest is no more, and as to what has happened to Mrs Robin, I hate to think....

I've been watching the Springwatch live wildlife cameras on and off today, but all I really needed to do was to look out of the window to see the action! This was taken through rain-streaked glass, on full zoom, so not the sharpest of photos. Don't think I'm quite ready for a job as a wildlife photographer with the BBC!!

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