Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Gorse and Sycamore

This year seems to be a good one for gorse, or furze as some would call it. I headed out this morning to shoot it at a spot where it is so prolific that it looks like a carpet. Unfortunately I was beaten back by the heavy rain which you can see brewing in this blip so all you get is the track leading in to the fields.
A strange day. We are getting ready to head out to the wedding of one of my ex work colleagues so I don't expect to be anywhere near a computer for the rest of the day.
I also received the very sad news this afternoon of the death of Andrew, the live wire and joker of the camera club. A young man, only in his early fifties, Andrew was stricken with an inoperable brain tumor some months ago and succumbed in a hospice at 3am. I will miss his mischief and the mad twinkle in his eye. His young family must be devastated even though we have all known for many months that it was only a question of time. May he rest in peace in a better place than this place of pain and sorrow,

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