Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Beautiful Blessed wee thing.

We went totally off-road, through the forest, up the back of Kinsgeat near to Whitecairns, veering round the swamp and reed beds.  We see Deer every night on our walks, usually leaping away on their own or in twos or threes. Tonight was something else. Sam nearly stood on it, it was so well hidden low in the long grass. A new born fawn. We moved away as soon as we realised, mum would be coming back soon. It was so beautiful.  We walked on through nettles and old strange cages and headed to where noone has probably been for years following animal paths, wading through gorse bushes, old dykes, barbed wire fences, farmer's fields, past two woody wood peckers nesting in telegraph poles. I was almost getting a bit panicky that we'd never find our way back, but we did. 

That beautiful moment we stumbled upon the wee fawn has crept into my mind many times since. Feel very lucky to have made it's acquaintance...from a distance.

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