
By FauxPunk

Self Defence

That Bear attacked me, so I had no other option than to kill it with my giant Warhammer :-/

I bought a Play Station 3 at Christmas time. I played it loads, it is much fun despite being my first ever console (at my advanced age!) Haven't played much since I joined the gym, but today is gym-free day so thought I'd have a go before work... and it's been driving me mad. The bear was easy enough to dispatch, but all around that waterfall in the distance, there's a little bandit-encampment... and those beggars keep dispatching of me :(

Oh, for those who don't recognise it, the game is sky rim - very very addictive!

Just time for a quick shower now (very quick, due to router playing up while I'm trying to blip) before today's 11:30-23:00 shift at work... with my lunch break taken up by fat club! Wish me luck!

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