Build me up, Buttercup

This morning we had a really nice walk through the woods a couple of miles from us. We did talk about leaving home very early, but in the end it was gone 10am by the time we left (nothing to do with having friends round for supper last night.......). This little fellow was just grazing in the sunshine on a buttercup. Virtually every buttercup had its own little diner, having a late breakfast. 
As we walked through the door when we arrived back home, we heard our son calling us on Skype, so had a really pleasant long session talking to them all. Part way through, Teresa dished their dinner up, so we were duly carried (on the laptop) and placed on the dining table so we could chat while they ate. It still feels really weird when he "carries us" when we are on Skype, as though we're babies and he's carrying us in his arms. 
At least he hasn't repeated the time when we were on Skype on his phone and he tied us to the toy train and send us round the track, up and over the bridges, and hurtling on the bends, time and time again until I was nearly ill. 
If anyone can identify this insect, I'd like to know what it is please. I cannot find it on t'internet.

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