@ la martelliere

By Turts99

A comfy bed

A glorious day in the far North. Far too nice not to git ootdoors. 

Rod (the ranger) has arranged two walks this weekend. The morns one sounds more interesting but the weather forecast is far from complimentary. So although I've been to the end of Tresness before, if I only get t do one, it had better be the days.

Meeting at the Brickie Hut at eleven, we had a little look inside. There were some agitated barn swallows furious at our intrusion. They clearly had intentions to nest inside, though it was too soon to see evidence of it yet. Inside, a room to the right formerly housed a generator of the lights of the wartime decoy airstrip at Fidge. The room to the left formerly housed bunks. 

It was mostly a 'twitcher' walk, and I'm not much of one of those. It was fascinating to find nests though. This belongs to an eider.  

For those of a more ornithological bent we also observed arctic tern, lapwing, dunlin, ringed plover, shoveler, teal, mute swan, flippin' greylag, fulmer, common and black-backed gull, curlew, sanderling, oystercatcher, raven and turnstone.  

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